Dining With Diabetes: Guilt-Free Mexican Food You Can Eat

Whether you've been a diabetic for years or you have recently been diagnosed with the disease, you may be restricted to a special diet that is low in sugar and carbohydrates. This does not necessarily mean you need to forgo all your favorite Mexican dishes. It's nice to know that dining out with diabetes does not have to be a major challenge. Overcome the obstacle by keeping these tips in mind next time you visit your favorite Mexican restaurant: Read More 

Low Stomach Acid: Signs Of And Treatments For This Common Ailment

If you've recently been diagnosed with Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease, GERD, or have been suffering with severe bloating, gas and acid reflux for years, you might think that too much stomach acid is the problem. You might be surprised to learn that the true culprit is actually a lack of adequate stomach acid. This disorder, which is known as hypochlorhydria, is a common problem that afflicts nearly 15 percent of America's population, according to Dr. Read More 

Pizza Restaurants: 4 Products To Help Save Time Preparing & Cooking Entrees

Pizza restaurants are constantly serving up delicious pies to customers all day long. When a restaurant gets busy, cutting down preparation and baking time will help serve customers quick and keep the flow of the restaurant moving. Along with the skills of a kitchen staff, the tools that they have at their disposal can make a big difference in the speediness of pizza delivery. There are four types of restaurant equipment that can change the speed in which pizza served. Read More 

5 Tips For Selecting Chocolates as a Pregnancy Gift

If you are looking for a present to help make a pregnant woman's day brighter, you may opt for chocolates. However, before you order your chocolates, consider these five tips for picking out the most pregnancy-appropriate chocolate treats for your pregnant friend.  Include a Mix of Dark & Milk Chocolates Many people assume that dark chocolate is always a healthier choice than milk chocolate and so you may be tempted to order a set of dark chocolates for your pregnant friend. Read More